缅北禁地 provides Career Services that are available to assist all students, graduates, and alumni.
Phone Number: (618) 985-2828 Ext. 8424
Email Address: bethstephens@jalc.edu
Click here for additional Career Services contact information.
Disclaimer: Career Services at 缅北禁地 does not research the integrity of employers listing jobs with our office due to the volume of vacancy listings received. Therefore, we urge each individual using our services to conduct their own research and investigation on any potential employer that they seek employment with. Neither 缅北禁地 nor the Career Services office makes any representation or guarantee whatsoever regarding any position listed on our job opportunity boards, our office postings, or on our web page. Furthermore, 缅北禁地 and/or the Career Services office does not assume responsibility for safety, wages, working conditions, or any other aspect of off-campus employment.