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Grants and Advancement

Grants and Advancement

Jan 20
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday-No Classes
Feb 17
President's Day Holiday-No Classes
Apr 18
Good Friday Holiday-No Classes
May 26
Memorial Day Holiday-No Classes
Jun 19
Juneteenth Holiday-No Classes

External Funding

All External Grant Funding has 3 grant activity phases. The Preliminary and the Application phase have associated approval forms that must be completed and sent to the Office of Grants and Advancement, before any grant application can be submitted. Please visit the link for each grant activity phase for step-by-step guidelines and links to the approval forms. All forms must be completed and emailed to the Office of Grants.

  • Step 1: Develop your Project idea
  • Step 2: Find potential funding
  • Step 3: Complete and submit Grant FORM 1: GRANT PROPOSAL
  • Step 4:  After FORM 1 is approved begin application phase
  • Step 1: Create your Grant writing team and designate your Principal Investigator (PI) 
  • Step 2: Write proposal (Refer to Pre-Award Guidelines)
  • Step 3: Complete and submit Grant FORM 2: Submission Approval
  • Step 4: Meet with Grant and Business Offices to finalize Grant application and budget
  • Step 5: Grant Manager submits Grant application


  • Step 1: Forward the Grant notification email to grants@jalc.edu
  • Step 2: Complete and submit Grant FORM 3: Award Decision
  • Step 3: Manage the award (Refer to Post-Award Compliance Guidelines)
  • Step 4: Close out Grant

External Grant Funding Resources

Google is always a good starting point for your Grant search. You can also use the following resources to search and filter grant funding opportunities, as well as funding opportunities from private, external foundations.

Once you have located a potential Grant funding source, start the Preliminary Phase. 

-Grants from all 26 agencies 



缅北禁地 Policy and Procedures used in Grants